Weak or Strong?
I like things strong. I like challenges. I will take on any situation. I have no fear. Fear is, False Evidence Appearing Real. ...
Weak or Strong?
Dreamer – You\’re Nothing But A Dreamer
The Sky\’s the Limit…or Is It?
Why are we like we are?
Isn\’t the Weather Miserable? Errr….No!
Time Melts Away – If You Let It!
Board Breaking
I believe Attitude should be taught in schools but…
If you are waiting for opportunity to knock on your door, keep waiting. Do something to show opportu
Are You Following The Right Person?
Firewalking Exposé
The Location of the Moore Consortium Holiday 2011
The Raft of Knowledge
A Group of Happy Salespeople…
Pics coming soon
Yes it does!!!!
Call Lists
Cold Calling Scripts
One Direction