DAVE MOOREJun 19, 20101 min readA Real VillaI don\’t care what you say…having seen this in todays Times supplement…this has to be the ultimate villa…and this is just the pool.http://themooreconsortium.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default#HPT #NLP #Firewalking #Persuasion #DynamicLife #HumanPotentialTechnology #MIB #glasswalking
I don\’t care what you say…having seen this in todays Times supplement…this has to be the ultimate villa…and this is just the pool.http://themooreconsortium.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default#HPT #NLP #Firewalking #Persuasion #DynamicLife #HumanPotentialTechnology #MIB #glasswalking