Transformational SELLING
This course is geared specifically towards helping and instructing new and experienced salespeople to win through in today’s environment. It is the people who have the right attitude, skill and knowledgethat will be successful. Delegates will learn that those three ingredients are vital in the recipe for a successful sale, thus enabling them to become better equipped to maximize their potential and skyrocket their performance.
Who is it for?
· New salespeople
· Experienced salespeople
· New to the business or those who want to take the ball another 100 yards
· Those who have had little or no training
· Anyone who wants to develop their sales skills
What will they learn?
· Plan and manage a sales territory
· Prospect and identify key decision-makers
· Plan and prepare a sales presentation
· Open a sales presentation confidently
· Recognise different types of buyers
· Tailor a presentation to suit the situation
· Power/ open/ closed questioning
· Features and benefits
· Eliminate ‘buyers remorse’
· Complete the sale with a full commitment
Course start
· Introductions
· Individual aims and course objectives
The psychology of the selling process
· The changing role of professional selling
· A formula for successful sales structures
Territory Management
· Your territory is your company
· Self-organization
Planning to Sell
· Prospecting and customer qualifications
· Understanding the decision process
Planning to Sell
· Pre-call planning
· A.S.K
· Clear objectives
The Sales Interview
(part one)
· Make a successful opening statement
· Power questions to determine needs
· Selling benefits
The Sales Interview
· Listening skills
· Presentation and involvement skills
· Effective use of visual aids
Understanding Buyer Behaviour
· Analysis
· Recognising buyer types
· Modifying your approach
Understanding Buyer Behaviour
· NLP overview
· Mirroring and matching
· Body language snapshot
· Eye accessing cues
· Language patterns and embedded commands
The Sales Interview
(part two)
· Trial closing
· Dealing with competition
· Anticipating and handling objections
· The difference between Cost and Value
Closing the sale
· Getting commitment and agreement
Peak Performance
· Managing your state
· Anchoring
Course Summary
· Review
· Q & A
· Preparation of Action Plans
· Feedback
Course Methods
Ø Role Play
Ø Syndicate Exercises
Ø Evening Exercises
Ø Personal Action Plans
How many no’s are you willing to take before you give up on the sale?
Remember when you were just 7 years old, in line with your mother at the local store and asked, “Mum, can I have a bar of chocolate?” That was a closing question if ever there was one!
“No” she replies. You, the master salesperson, ignore the first no and respond, “Please, can I have a chocolate bar?” Mum is a bit put off now; with her mind on the grocery bill, and she says, “I said NO!” No number two is now safely out of the way, and you respond with, “Aw, come on, PLEASE!”
Now Mum (the prospect) is emphatic. “Absolutely NO!” she shouts. That’s No number three in the shredder. (Sometimes she will actually spell it out: ”N-O”.) It’s time to move in for the kill. Let’s find out what the objection is here. “Why can’t I have a bar of chocolate, Mum?” (Hold on, this is a classic example of a direct question going straight to the real reason for the first three No’s. How did you learn these skills so early in life?)
“Because it will spoil your dinner,” she responds true to form. Now is your big chance. Overcome this fourth objection and it’s in the (grocery) bag. “No it won’t, I promise to eat it after dinner.” You reply in your most sincere voice.
She’s on the ropes now; about to cave in, but being the true sales-reluctant prospect she isn’t going to give in easily.
“Well, I don’t know,” she weakly states the fifth negative response. You see your opening and immediately bellow, “Puleeeeese!” in that endearing mixture of song and whine. “Ok,” she says, “but don’t you dare eat it till after dinner.” (She has to get out of the loss gracefully, so she emphasizes the caveat “after dinner” to save face with the checkout girl, who is grinning.)
VICTORY! You made the sale, and it only took 5 No’s to get it. You were prepared to go to at least 10. Possibly risk a smack and in some cases prepared to throw a psychotic fit in public. Think about it, when you were seven, you were willing to risk public embarrassment, corporal punishment and verbal abuse to get a sale.
Somewhere between junior school and getting your business cards printed you forgot just how tenacious you need to be to make a sale.
If you’re looking for the best examples of how to overcome the obstacles and objections to sales, just reminisce. The bar of chocolate, first date, staying out later than usual, keys to Dads car, raise in pocket money, getting served in a bar when you were under age…they are ALL sales! All were full of No’s and objections. You hung in there against all odds. You were willing to risk everything.
Your closing rate was likely to be greater than 90%.
How much money would you be making if your closing ratio was that high today? Forget the bar of chocolate, you’d have enough to buy the shop.
On average it takes seven impressions, exposures, No’s or objections to get the sale. What’s the secret to getting the sale?
Rules of Selling
· Say it (sell it) in terms of what the customer wants, needs and understands – not in terms of what you’ve got to offer.
· Gather personal information – and learn how to use it.
· Build friendships. People buy from friends, not salespeople.
· Build a relationship shield that no competitor can pierce. Would your customers tell your competitor that they need to speak to you first before making a decision? What are you doing to ensure that?
· Establish common ground. If we both like golf or have kids, we’ve got issues and things in common that will draw us closer.
· Gain confidence. Once you motivate them to act, you’d better have built enough confidence to buy or they’ll get someone else.
· Have fun and be funny. It isn’t brain cancer; it’s your career. Have a great time. If you can make a prospect laugh, you can make them buy. Laughter is tacit approval. Tacit approval leads to contractual approval.
· Never, ever, get caught selling. There is nothing worse than a salesperson sounding like a salesperson in a presentation. Learn the science and convert it to an art.
· Always sell to the customers needs: not your own agenda. This will reduce the amount of cancellations you get. There is nothing worse than having to give back all that hard earned commission.
The Real Objections…
· Doesn’t have the money.
· Has a personal or credit problem.
· Can’t decide on their own.
· Wants to shop around.
· Doesn’t need your product now.
· Doesn’t understand what he’s buying (or not buying).
· Has a friend or connection in the business.
· Knows he can buy it cheaper elsewhere.
· Doesn’t trust or have confidence in you.
· Doesn’t trust or have confidence in your Company.
· Doesn’t like your product.
· Doesn’t like you.
· “You’re price is too high.”…I can’t afford it.
· “You’re price is too high.” …I can buy it cheaper elsewhere.
· “You’re price is too high.” …I don’t see, perceive, understand the cost or value of your product or service.
· “You’re price is too high.” … I’m not convinced yet.
Before you even attempt a sale you better realize just how your customers want you to act!
· Just give me the facts.
· Tell me the truth, and don’t use the word “honestly”. It makes me nervous.
· I want an ethical salesperson.
· Give me a good reason why this product/service is perfect for me.
· Show me some proof.
· Show me I’m not alone. Tell me about a similar situation where someone like me said yes and it was all ok.
· Show me evidence of a satisfied customer.
· Tell me and show me you will serve me after you sell me.
· Tell me and show me the price is fair.
· Show me the best way to pay.
· Give me a choice and let me decide, but make a consultative recommendation.
· Reinforce my choice.
· Don’t argue with me.
· Don’t confuse me.
· Don’t tell me negative things.
· Don’t talk down to me.
· Don’t tell me what I bought or did is wrong.
· Listen to me when I talk.
· Make me feel special.
· Make me laugh.
· Take an interest in what I do.
· Be sincere.
· Don’t use a bunch of timeworn sales techniques to pressure me to buy when I don’t want to.
· Deliver what you sell me – when you say you will.
· Help me buy – don’t sell me.
18 Buying Signals to look for(in selling Advertising)
1. Questions about availability or time. (How long does it take? Do I need to get copy to you now?)
2. Questions about delivery (When would distribution be? How soon would I have to tell you?)
3. Specific questions about rates, price, tariffs, or statements about affordability. (How much does this package cost? What is the price of…? I don’t know if I can afford this?)
4. Any questions or statements about money. (How much would this be?)
5. Positive questions about our business. (Who are your customers? How long have you been with the Company? How long has your Company been in business?)
6. Wanting something repeated. (What was that you said before about other publications?)
7. Statements about problems with previous vendors. (Our old client gave us a poor service. How quickly do you respond to a fault?)
8. Questions about features and options. (What will it do?)
9. Questions about quality. (How do I get to see a copy?)
10. Questions about guarantee or warranty. (How long is it under guarantee?)
11. Questions about qualifications (yours or the Companies). (Can I get answers over the phone if I have a problem?)
12. Specific questions about the Company. (What other services do you provide?)
13. Specific product or service questions. (How do you decide about editorials? How do you block certain businesses?)
14. Specific statements about ownership of your product. (What if our strategy changes, can I update anything online? What if I put a change my URL?
15. Questions to confirm unstated decision or seeking support. (Is this the best way for me to go?)
16. Wanting to see a sample, demo, publicity material etc AGAIN! (Could I see the (product) again?)
17. Asking about other satisfied customers. (Have many companies like ours do you have?)
18. Asking for a reference. (Do you have any letters from satisfied customers?)