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Kate Nasser – The People Skills Coach™

I thought I would take some time to make a recommendation to you…

Kate Nasser, The People Skills Coach™

Stop what you are doing and get along to and have a good look around for yourselves.  If you are in the market for Customer Service training or for solid gold info about what you need to do to keep customers, or maybe just some common sense techniques and training that works then you would be foolish to ignore this nudge to her site.

There are lots of video clips and there are also lots of interesting comments and information from a very clever, intelligent and knowledgeable Leader/ Teacher/ Trainer who really walks the walk as well as talk the talk.

One of the business models The Moore Consortium runs is a Sales Training program that shows you how to GET customers… but Kate Nasser shows you how to KEEP them with her cutting edge ideas.

Kate\’s techniques are embedded in a very funny and conversational style of presentation, which appeals to me as thats how I work.  It\’s a great way of pouring your message into the heads of the audience without them resorting to note taking.  If you have a team of people who need to step up to the next level, or if you need a reboot yourself, or if you just want to enhance your lifeskills, Kate is the person for you!

Kate also has a Google+ community called PeopleSkills. I am honored to be one of the moderators on there as well as @TomJ_Rhodes @tshroyer2 @jandis_price @MaaHoda @CBechervaise  who are all worth following as they each have a unique style and ground breaking information they are willing to share on Social Media.

Tweetchats take place on Sundays at 10amEST and cover a different subject every week with an emphasis on the skill sets people need in life and business today.  Each Tweetchat is moderated and the main rule is: Respect for each other even when we disagree

There is a Facebook Group called People Skills That Really Matter which you will find HERE and that is monitored by +Hoda Maalouf It is well worth joining that group for some terrific interaction with other like minded people.

I also recommend that you check out the Google+ community PeopleSkills  HERE and join it today!!

It is not often that you find gold like this…but it is here…on her website Contact on Twitter @katenasser

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