What Is Wrong With This World? There are three kinds of people in the world: * Those who do what they\’re told without question, * Those who control them, and- * Those who refuse to play that game – ENVIED AND HATED BY THE OTHER TWO. What is wrong with this world? Why all those civil wars, why all this chaos and disaster? Why can\’t people just live together in peace? When conflicts arise, why is it so hard for the United Nations and other parties to stop the killing, despite peace negotiators and ambassadors? Is it that man is basically evil? Is it just human behavior? Lots of questions. When we look around, it may seem like man is basically evil, but that is not true. There is good and evil within us all; it needs to be there for our basic survival, and they are subjective terms in the sense that we can define good and evil in whatever way we want. What\’s good for one person, may be considered evil by another and vice versa. However, the society will eventually reflect the minds of their leaders, and if the leaders are implementing what the majority perceives as evil, the society will be evil as well, and people affected by a malevolent government will start acting like them. However, WE are the ones who appoint and accept our leaders, so ultimately the responsibility is yours and mine.
All this chaos, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the overall disasters have a genuine purpose. It is all very carefully planned by a few people, mostly men, behind the scenes, high up in the society, above any power structure that the ordinary citizen is aware of. It is a modern extension of an old theme to \”take over the world\”. To those people, power, control and wealth is their true religion and they use any means they can to maintain their power and control, including murder and genocide.
These people on top, who basically are of Royal Bloodlines, are currently working on reducing the world population in order to easier maintain their control, and ultimately the strive towards a centralization of power, which will include the whole world.
This is a very old plan; something the same bloodlines have been working towards for millennia. However, now is the time when they have the means to accomplish their goal and fulfill the \”Work of the Ages\”. They see us citizens as inferior and are dehumanizing us in their own minds to the extent that they don\’t care if we live or if we die. In a future Global Society, if they manage to accomplish this to its full extent, you and I will be no more than slaves, whom they can kill and treat as they want anytime they want.